The Friends of Acadia Stewardship Crew leads a service group in the construction of a new bog walk on the Jordan Pond loop. (Photo by: Will Newton/Friends of Acadia/NPS)
Have a group interested in volunteering in Acadia National Park?
Our Stewardship Crew works with service groups from all across the country to be stewards of Acadia and we would love to schedule a project with your group or organization.
Many church groups, summer camps, rotary clubs, college groups, and even groups of friends will join us throughout the season. (To us, a “group” is five people or more.) We can work with your group to find a project that fits both your needs and the needs of the park.
To register a group, please use the form linked below. We recommend that you read over the FAQs before filling it out, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Frequently asked questions:
Projects vary throughout the season, but we always try to have an option for every ability level. Examples of projects include cutting back brush growing into a trail corridor with loppers and hedge trimmers, raking leaves out of drainage features, spreading gravel on trails using wheel barrows, and weeding the carriage roads.
Yes! While we welcome individuals (or a few people volunteering together) to drop-in as stewardship volunteers, groups of five people are more need to register in advance. That way we can match your group up with a project that fits your needs and the needs of the park. To register, fill out the service group form.
We accept service groups from May – October with rolling registration. We try to accommodate all groups but please register early, we do fill up!
Some service groups like to do one morning of work, some will stay for a week! It is up to you and your group’s ability level and age. The Stewardship Crew is available from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Saturday. We recommend a max of 4 hours a day of service.
*New meetup location for stewardship volunteers in 2023*
Park and meet at the Hulls Cove Storage Facility, located near the Hulls Cove Visitor Center, Visitor Center Rd, Bar Harbor, ME 04609.
Enter via the Hulls Cove Visitor Center entrance off Route 3 in Bar Harbor. Continue past the Visitor Center parking lot on Paradise Hill Road. When the road splits, bear left to the Hulls Cove Storage Facility. (Don’t worry, we’ll have signs out to help guide you!)
[Directions to Hulls Cove entrance]
We provide tools, gloves, training, and transportation.
We ask that you please bring water, snacks, insect repellent, clothing layers, and sturdy close-toed shoes (Crocs do not count). Ticks carrying Lyme disease are very common in Maine. We recommend wearing long socks and light-colored pants, which you can tuck into your socks to prevent ticks from climbing under your clothing.
Any other questions?
Please contact the Stewardship Coordinator, Nikki Burtis at 207-370-7938 or by email at nikki@friendsofacadia.org