Featured on Fox22: Acadia National Park Trails Foreman Gary Stellpflug retires after 35 years

Stellpflug has led teams to revitalize and create trails throughout the national park for over three decades and is retiring this August.

Story featured on Fox 22 (Watch the complete segment)

Acadia National Park’s Trails Foreman is retiring after 35 years with the National Park Service.

Wednesday evening the non-profit held its annual meeting in Bar Harbor and gave a special thanks to longtime Trails Foreman Gary Stellpflug.

Stellpflug has led teams to revitalize and create trails throughout the national park for over three decades and is retiring this August.

“It’s a unique place and working here for a long time has enabled me to help people, help the environment, and help history so it’s really been a great job. It has been a great life, actually,” Stellpflug to Fox 22.

Friends of Acadia awarded Stellpflug their highest honor, the Marianne Edwards Distinguished Service Award. The award is named after the group’s founder.

Watch the full segment on Fox 22.