Vice President of Conservation
Stephanie has served as Conservation Director for Friends of Acadia since 1997. She oversees all of Friends of Acadia’s programs, with primary responsibility for advocacy, transportation, and resource management issues. Stephanie is also the primary contact with park staff for many Friends of Acadia’s policy initiatives and serves as the principal liaison with community officials. She is a part of the Staff Core Management Group and works with the Centennial Task Force, Balanced Use Task Force, Wild Gardens of Acadia Volunteers, and the Natural Resources Protection Committee.
Stephanie serves on the boards of directors for the Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce and Downeast Transportation, the operator of the Island Explorer bus system. She graduated from Colby College with a B.A. in Biology/Environmental Studies, and from the University of Vermont with an M.S. in Natural Resources Planning. Stephanie lives in Bar Harbor, adores dogs of every kind, and enjoys participating in community theater.
Contact: stephanie@friendsofacadia.org
Phone: 207-370-2960