FOA has several prime areas of focus which are viewed as being the “pillars” of the organization.
They include:
Tomorrow’s Stewards
Educating and engaging youth, support for life-long learning, and providing opportunities for people to connect with the outdoors.
Wild Acadia
Providing support for environmental and visitor use monitoring, research, and planning to protect and restore the ecological integrity and resilience of natural resources within the park.
Trails and Carriage Roads
Continuing to provide staffing and financial support for the maintenance and renewal of the carriage roads and hiking trails that are an integral part of the Acadia experience.
Visitor Experience
Striving to reduce park crowding and congestion, collect data, and explore solutions to current and anticipated resource threats and challenges.
Friends of Acadia is dedicated to maintaining strong ties to members of Maine’s delegation, as well as to other members of Congress and like-minded conservation groups and organizations that advocate for support of our parks and protection of them from both political and environmental threats. Keeping members informed and updated on important issues via the Journal, E-News and special advocacy alerts is a top priority.