Gathering of sweetgrass for traditional purposes will move forward at Acadia National Park
National Park Service issues a Finding of No Significant Impact for Plant Gathering Environmental Assessment.
July 24th, 2024
National Park Service issues a Finding of No Significant Impact for Plant Gathering Environmental Assessment.
July 24th, 2024
BAR HARBOR, MAINE – The National Park Service (NPS) released a decision and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Gathering of Sweetgrass for Traditional Purposes Environmental Assessment (EA). This decision will allow the five federally recognized tribes in Maine to enter into plant gathering agreements with Acadia National Park.
“A great deal of collaboration, conversation, and hard work has gone into this process,” said Acadia National Park Superintendent Kevin Schneider. “This is a critical step in both preserving and protecting the park through co-stewardship with the Wabanaki tribes and providing space for Wabanaki citizens to heal and re-connect with their homeland.”
The Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, the Mi’kmaq Nation, the Passamaquoddy Tribes at Pleasant Point and at Indian Township, and the Penobscot Nation, referred collectively as the Wabanaki, are culturally affiliated with lands and waters of Acadia National Park. With the establishment of Acadia National Park in 1916, the land was placed under the policies and regulations of the NPS which prohibited traditional tribal practices, such as gathering sweetgrass. The park is actively working with the Wabanaki to establish new and meaningful relationships that center around the reconnection of these lands with the Wabanaki.
In 2016, the NPS issued new regulations (36 CFR 2.6) allowing park units to enter into agreements with federally recognized tribes for the gathering of plants or plant parts. Tribes must be federally recognized, have cultural affiliation with the park, and provide the park with information about the plants of cultural interest.
The park prepared the EA to evaluate potential effects from gathering sweetgrass by traditional tribal methods before entering into agreements with federally recognized tribes, as required by the regulation. The NPS published the EA for public review. The agency accepted comments during scoping from December 18, 2023 to January 17, 2024 and during release of the EA from May 6 to June 5, 2024.
Based on the analysis presented and the public comments collected, the NPS has chosen to move forward with Alternative B (proposed action and NPS preferred action), which will allow for the five federally recognized tribes of Maine to enter into individual agreements with NPS to gather sweetgrass in Acadia for traditional purposes per 36 CFR 2.6. Gathering activities would take place under terms specified in each government-to-government agreement between the Tribal Nation and NPS.
(Photo: Member of the Wabanaki Nations harvests sweetgrass in Bass Harbor Marsh for traditional uses. Photo Credit: Will Newton/Friends of Acadia with permission from Natalie Dana-Lolar)
Wabanaki Nations can now gather sweetgrass at Acadia – Maine Public
In late December 2023, Acadia National Park marked a milestone for ongoing work with the Wabanaki Nations.
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