Hundreds of Volunteers Showed Their Acadia Pride at the 33rd Annual Take Pride in Acadia Day
November 6th, 2023
November 6th, 2023
Volunteers from L.L.Bean take a break to pose for a group photo with Acadia’s Deputy Superintendent Brandon Bies and Friends of Acadia President Eric Stiles during the 2023 Take Pride in Acadia Day. (Photo by Ashley Anderson/Friends of Acadia)
ACADIA NATIONAL PARK – Nearly 300 volunteers showed their love for Acadia at the 33rd Annual Take Pride in Acadia Day held at the park on Saturday, November 4th.
Volunteers cleared fallen leaves from drainage areas on more than eight miles of carriage roads in 22 locations. This important work reduces costly washouts that occur from rain and ice during the winter and spring.
A volunteer from Kappa Alpha Kappa rakes leaves out of a drainage ditch on the carriage road near Witch Hole Pond in Acadia National Park during the 2023 Take Pride in Acadia Day. (Photo by Julia Walker Thomas/Friends of Acadia)
The annual event is sponsored by Friends of Acadia and facilitated by Acadia National Park to support maintenance of the historic carriage roads. This year’s event capped the number of volunteer participants due to construction of Acadia’s new maintenance building at park headquarters, which reduced available parking for volunteers.
Again this year, participants met at their respective carriage road locations to rake and remove leaves, and then came back to Acadia National Park headquarters for a delicious hot lunch of chili, cornbread, cider, and cake, catered by Big Cat’s Catering in Trenton. During lunch, remarks were given by Deputy Superintendent of Acadia National Park Brandon Bies and Friends of Acadia President and CEO Eric Stiles.
“Thanks to all of the volunteers, business sponsors, and park staff who made our annual Take Pride in Acadia Day so successful,” said Eric Stiles. “This is one of the ways that the Acadia community comes together to express their dedication to the park. We are grateful to all those who came from near and far to volunteer on a beautiful, but blustery fall day, to help put the carriage roads to bed for the winter.”
Youth participants included Girl Scout Troop 760, the University of Maine, and Husson University. We also welcomed back many community groups including: Bar Harbor Savings & Loan, Downeast Outing Club, Footloose Friends, L.L. Bean, and the Maine Outdoor Adventure Club.
Friends of Acadia and Acadia National Park are grateful to all who made Take Pride in Acadia Day a huge success.
Take Pride in Acadia Day would not be possible without such wonderful support from the community and we would like to thank this year’s sponsors:
A.B. & J.R. Hodgkins
Acadia Bike/Coastal Kayaking Tours
Acadia National Park
Acadia Park Company/Acadia Shops
Asticou Inn
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
Bar Harbor Hospitality Group – A Division of Witham Family Hotels
Bar Harbor Savings & Loan
Bar Harbor Whale Watch Company
Beal’s Lobster Pier
Bluenose Inn
Burdick & Associates Landscape Design
Jordan Pond House – ExplorUS
Fiore Artisan Olive Oils & Vinegars
Galyn’s Restaurant
John Williams Boat Company
The Knowles Company
Lynam Insurance & Real Estate Agencies
Machias Savings Bank
MDI Grows Landscape Services
Mount Desert Island Hospital
Nelson F. Goodwin Company
Orono Brewing
West Bay Acadia RV Campground
William Blair & Company
Window Panes
Volunteer Group Leaders Doug and Becky Heden carry leaves off the carriage road during the 2023 Take Pride in Acadia Day in Acadia National Park. (Photo by Julia Walker Thomas/Friends of Acadia)