Mount Desert Island is home to plants from all over. Some have made their home here for millennia and others are more recent. Many plants, especially those that evolved alongside other plants and animals in this region, play an important role in healthy ecosystems. These are commonly referred to as “native plants.”
Other plants evolved in different ecosystems and arrived here more recently. Some of these “non-native” plants thrive without the competitors they evolved alongside, disrupting other plants and animals. These are commonly referred to as “invasive plants.” Invasive plants are not “bad”, but they can harm ecosystems.
This project refers to plants as “invasive” and “native” because these terms are widely recognized. We will also occasionally refer to invasive plants as “disruptive.” We know these labels fail to capture the complexity of ecosystem dynamics. As we work together to support biodiversity on Mount Desert Island, we ask that Backyard Stewards focus on the ecosystem effects of species, not their origin.