Visual Storytelling & Visual Assets Manager
Julia is Friends of Acadia’s visual storytelling lead and creates and produces photo and video content, serves as photo editor of Acadia magazine, creates assets for the website and social media, and manages Friends of Acadia’s photo and video archive.
Julia joined the staff in 2014 after graduating from College of the Atlantic. She also studied photojournalism and outdoor education at Western Kentucky University, and documentary photography at the Salt Institute in Portland.
A native of Sarasota, Florida, Julia loves all things aquatic. She has lived on a WWII tugboat while working as a kayak guide on Block Island, spent two months paddling the Mississippi River from Illinois to New Orleans, and guided many backcountry paddling trips in multiple states. Some of her favorite things about living on MDI are the long summer days that provide ample time for after-work swims in Acadia’s wonderful lakes and ponds. In the fall, she can be found canoeing up Northeast Creek in search of cranberries, and in winter she can be found ice skating on Somes Pond.
Julia and her family live in Bar Harbor.
Contact: julia@friendsofacadia.org
Phone: 207-370-4944