Building a Better Future
for Acadia’s Workforce

Seasonal employees are essential to operating Acadia National Park from May through November. A severe lack of affordable workforce housing has been a key factor in Acadia’s inability to fill its seasonal positions. Friends of Acadia has doubled down to help create seasonal workforce housing for the talented men and women who work at Acadia.

Acadia National Park General Ranger Jonathan Pooler. (Photo by Ashley Anderson/Friends of Acadia)

A thriving park. A high-quality visitor experience. Protection of Acadia’s precious natural resources. A safe and welcoming place that is accessible to all. A cherished sense of community.

These things are ALL powered by the very best seasonal workforce Acadia can hire.

Seasonal employees help maintain the trails and carriage roads, welcome visitors and ensure a good visitor experience, provide critical maintenance, safety, and rescue services within the park, and help repair trails and rebuild infrastructure after major storms, like those from earlier this year.

Unfortunately, in recent years, hiring that seasonal workforce has been hampered by a severe lack of workforce housing, and about 30% of Acadia’s seasonal positions have gone unfilled. And now, a tight labor market on top of the housing crisis is making it even worse.

A shortage of workers leaves vital work unfinished and creates negative impacts. That’s why Friends of Acadia is partnering with the National Park Service and partners to address this challenge head on.

Raise the Roof for Acadia

Friends of Acadia’s Raise the Roof Campaign aims to create more than 60 beds for Acadia’s seasonal employees at two campuses within the park’s boundary.

Dane Farm in Seal Harbor is already under construction and will house eight seasonal workers by spring 2025. Harden Farm, which is in the design and planning phase currently, will provide 56 beds when completed. These two campuses will provide the park with essential workforce housing for decades!

Plus, Friends of Acadia’s philanthropic investment will unlock $10+ million in federal and other funding to provide housing solutions for Acadia. Addressing the seasonal housing challenge with a strong public and private partnership is another example of Acadia leading the way.

Help us Raise the Roof for Acadia’s Seasonal Workforce.

Every dollar— every donation—will help us achieve our $10 million goal this year.

Dane Farm, Seal Harbor

Friends of Acadia purchased the Dane Farm property in Seal Harbor and is well underway on adding eight bedrooms in two new buildings. Once completed, we will donate the structures and property to the park.

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Harden Farm, Bar Harbor

Already the site of a handful of park units, the location can also accommodate new housing units, with the National Park Service leading project design and development.

Kingsleigh Inn, Southwest Harbor

Purchase by Friends of Acadia in April 2023, the former B&B in Southwest Harbor is now housing 10 seasonal employees.

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Jordan River Road, Trenton

The six existing townhomes will be used as housing for Island Explorer bus drivers beginning in 2025.

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Raising the Roof for Acadia’s Seasonal Workforce

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